Hit The Links

Friday night we had a Bike Library Steering Committee meeting. We drank some fine Love and Hoppiness beer from Rogue brewery and when our work was done most everyone there came back to our house for a fire and more beer. It was a nice night, it got really cold, there was some rowdy talk regarding such racy topics as Iowa Public Radio and the makeup of the Iowa City City Council in 1997. Scandalous!

Saturday morning I went and did my first paved road race in 14 months or so. It was a pie race and the team had a good group there. The brutally honest race report is that I bridged to the early break and then got dropped from it. Immediately following I was caught by the field and they dropped me, too.

Saturday afternoon I volunteered two hours at the Bike Library for Rental Bench. I spent

my time affixing clever and encouraging signs to inoperable bikes that look mostly fine so I can lock them to racks around town for Bike to Work Week. John stopped by to find wheels for his special lady friend’s bike so I made him help.

I gussied up the display windows for the big week ahead and closed the place down so

I could go help Cody put the finishing touches on her show because the opening reception was that night.

It was not a mad scramble but a steady poaching that saw everything in place right at 6pm as the first people arrived. I have been authorized by the artist to show a few teaser pictures of the installation here to help create buzz about the show, check her official website for the official recap soon.




It was a great time and about everyone we know came and it was great to see you all! Post reception we found ourselves at the Fox Head once again as the rain poured down outside in the company of John and other friends. Ol’ 20¢ was up to his usual tricks and did his best to corrupt us and I did leave with a commuter mug full of Pabst but I did not puke in the sink, and neither did Cody!

Today was a bit quieter as you might have expected, I put the Bike to Work Week bikes around town at strategic bike racks and worked five hours at Fin and Feather. Laundry, dishes, blog post and to bed with me. Looks like a nice week ahead with the wrap up (for real this time) of my sorority cook career and much cycle advocacy before my parents come to town next weekend.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Jay said,

    I expect at least a few LOLtastic sororiquotes before it’s all said and done.

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